
Showing posts from June, 2017
MVS Utilities this repository includes some very useful utilities for people working with MVS, z/OS on real mainframes or emulated ones. Most of the topics covered by these programs are covered in my youtube mainframe channel here: Here are some of the programs and tools included in this repo: recv390 is a receive command for Linux or Windows. It extracts XMIT files. recv390 is by James Morrison. I made some fixes and somall enhancement to the program. compile simply with gcc -o recv90 recv390.c. SYCPLK.ccdk is a 3390-3 volume (SYSCPK) which incluedes about 10 or 12 compilers for the mainframe, including: PLI F compiler Cobol compiler from the 60s RPG compiler PL/360 compiler Pascal compiler the amazing ASSIST assembler Simula compiler Basic and many other goodies. Simply mount the volume on your system, add it to the VTLST00 member as private, and then extend your JES2 to use the included SYS2.PROC...