Web Server on z/VM So, let's grab Apache or NGINX and compile on z/VM, right? Well, not that easy. It's almost impossible to compile those open source web servers on z/VM. However, one can write a web server in REXX. This guy uses such a Rexx-based webserver and shows in a video where to obtain it, how to set it up and even how to write Rexx CGI scripts! Check it out
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The Real Thing How did it feel back in the days to work on a real mainframe? I am not talking about the modern z14 and z15 mainframes of today. I am talking about the 3090's and 4381s of the mid-80s, the golden era of the mainframe. Well, only one way to find out: log in to a real IBM 4361 mainframe and play it... and make a video out of it. This guy made just such a video Fun video, go check it out