Stopping JES3 and Error Conditions

1.  To shut down JES3 on the local, you can issue the JES3 "*SEND" command to
   route a JES3 "*RETURN" command to system B:


   JES3 will end on system B.  You will need to enter "QUIESCE" directly on the
   system B MVS console.
               To shut down JES3 on the global processore, initiate first your standard MVS shutdown procedure. In TK4, that is                 from the JES3 console (you can enter MVS commands from the JES3 console, btw)
               f bsppilot,shutdown 

               Once everyhting is shutdown, you stop JES3 by issuing this command on the JES3 console:

              The JES3 console will deactivate and you will be back on the MVS console, from which you can issue your usual z                 eod and quiesce commands. 

2.  The message:


   at startup isn't normal.  It gets issued if the JES3 checkpoint shows JES3
   active on another system during startup of the global.  That can happen in
   a few situations:

   a.  JES3 wasn't shut down properly on the other system, so JES3 termination
       didn't mark the system as inactive.

   b.  You've inadvertently started one system as the global, then try to start
       a second JES3 system as the global.  There can only be one JES3 global at
       a time, all other JES3 systems must be locals.

   c.  You're restarting the global after the global failed, and a local is still

   Any time you restart the global as warm or cold, all other JES3 systems must be down.

   You can shut down JES3 on the global, then restart it if you specify a hot start
   in response to message IAT3011:

       r 0,h

   A hot start uses initialization parms from the previous warm or cold start, and
   doesn't reread the initialization deck.


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